Sunday, April 20, 2014

Welcoming Families From Malta

The name of the country I chose is Malta. Assuming I work in a child care centre; First, I will do a thorough research on my own about the country--its location, population size, cultures, schooling habits, languages, etc.
I will ask people around for any special character traits of people from Malta..
I will send home a detailed questionnaire to know about the family culture
I will invite any of the parents to class to tell the class about Malta
I will suggest the parents come with an item of cultural value.
I will learn to pronounce the child and family name correctly
I will display the country flag and greetings on the classroom wall
At least two toys in the classroom will be associated with Malta
The reading corner will have some books about Malta.
I will make arrange for an interpreter if they are ELL
I will learn some major words in the family's first language

All of these preparations I believe will make a family feel at home and will be easy for such family to blend into the school system. Learning their family culture will give me an access into a child's emotional and cognitive development. For instance, if a family is so concerned about their children's school work, then, learning will be made easy for such children and vice versa.
Learning to pronounce correctly a child's name will give him/her a sense of belonging and may in turn build self-esteem.

1 comment:

  1. Toluwalope it was great to read your post. I particularly enjoyed you reaching out to the parents and asking them to bring in items from their culture. It is important to have items of comfort for the child since often the environments are often vastly different from what the child is already accustomed too.
    thank you for sharing your insights
