Thursday, March 13, 2014

My Family Culture

This blog assignment is interesting and thought provoking! First, I will go with my Bible, my ipad, and hair accessories.
I and my husband are Christians and we are trying our best to bring up our kids in the same manner. Although, my ipad could contain various versions of the Bible, the hard-copy Bible symbolizes our religion. I see it that a hard copy Bible will give our kids a true sense/representation of our religion and belief in God.

I will go with my ipad because I am a lover of information and academics. With my ipad, I could gain access to what is happening around me, and continue home-study with my kids.
Going with my hair accessories might sound a bit out of place to someone, but I am learning that the human hair is one of the first factors of identity. As an African, I this our hair defines us more and quicker than our skin color. Hence, to maintain my identity, I will go with materials to tidy my hair and my daughter's.

If I were asked to drop two items, I will drop my ipad and hair accessories and then keep praying for freedom from such a lifestyle.

I better agree now than before that culture indeed is the totality of an individual which involves everything one does. Culture most times are influenced by family upbringing, which places so much importance on the role of a family.


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog and I am glad that you have found Christ and decided to take your Bible instead of your iPad. Prayer is very powerful and He will answer all prayers in time.

  2. Hello OTEH,

    I found it interesting how you pointed out the importance of hair as a primary factor to identity. I never had thought of this before but completely agree with this point. I find myself many times commenting on people's hair and I tend to always notice people's new hair cut, color, clips, etc. While I am glad you decided upon your Bible in the end, I do appreciate this new insight I had not considered before about human hair as the first factor of identity.
