Saturday, January 25, 2014

Benefits of Research

Research indeed has been so beneficial to children and families in the developing countries. I remember vividly the issue of polio, whopping cough, cholera, measles, chickenpox as so tormenting to children some years back. Families were impoverished as many spent so much money in battling these diseases. Malaria in children and adults was a common death factor in Africa, but today, we don't hear so much about malaria killing people because new drugs are being discovered regularly to checkmate the effects on pregnant women, children and families. Thanks to research findings (particularly evidenced-based) that brought about vaccinations for these diseases.
Jonas Salk first discovered a vaccine for polio and then tried it out on people around him- himself, wife, children and friends. It worked when the vaccine produced antigens against polio cells

I will use myself as an example. When I was pregnant for my two kids, I was given anti-malaria drugs as part of my daily medication, in order for me not to get infected with malaria. In recent past most babies were affected by jaundice as result of pregnant women who had malaria. Some babies didn't survive and some are living with the effects till date as grown-ups. Research has changed the face of the story due to the discovery of anti-malaria drugs and vaccinations that are given to pregnant women. Also, as at when I had my two kids, there was a campaign going on about the benefits of breastfeeding. With all the information I had then due to research findings, I decided to do exclusive breastfeeding with my kids, though it was not easy. But I did it with the consciousness of the benefits I and my family would derive as they grow. I remember my daughter didn't have any cough or cold until she was about 9-months-old.

I will always appreciate those that gave, and are giving their time and energy in discovering most of the right information we have today especially in medicine and child healthcare.



  1. I can really see how being close to a situation makes one so in tune. Research is a powerful tool in assisting children and families with finding answers that could save lives.

  2. Hi Toluwalope,

    If it wasn't for this research so many children would have died due to not having vaccinations to protect them against them. Research is good when it is benefiting all and saving the lives of so many.

  3. Toluwalope,

    Thanks for sharing your personal experience with malaria prevention in pregnancy. I wasn't the slightest bit aware that this was done. It's very interesting to hear about unique problems and solutions around the world!
