Saturday, November 2, 2013

Establishing Professional Contacts

I tried making contacts with early childhood professionals in Nigeria, Ghana, The Netherlands, India and Canada by sending mails to the listed contacts in the resources. Unfortunately, I got mailer-daemon responses  from Canada, Ghana and The Netherlands. I am yet to receive responses from Nigeria and India contacts. I sincerely do hope that I get positive responses because I have been longing to have mentors in this field.

I have always received newsletters from ZEROTOTHREE but this time I registered with my Walden email address and hope to establish a formal contact with them. I subscribed also for newsletters from  National Institute for Early Education Research NIEER and sent a mail (asking for a professional contact) to National Black Child Development Institute.

In future, I will prefer exploring the NIEER website because I enjoy reading about research works and they've got some interesting topics on early childhood.


  1. It is good to know that this assignment has not only been challenging for me. I was very unhappy to receive the mailer-daemon response.

  2. I am feeling the same way ladies! I will have to check out the NIEER website! Thanks!

  3. Toluwalope-
    It seems like a lot of folks are struggling with this assignment. You might try getting connected to people on LinkedIn. This is a great professional social media platform with a global reach. When I saw this assignment, I immediately knew of at least ten people I could contact on LinkedIn. Give it a try!
    RB Fast

  4. I am glad I am not the only one that finds this assignment challenging! I am going to try LinkedIn in a bit to see if I can find some contacts!
    Hang in there ladies!

  5. You would definitely be able to learn more from research. I think I need to try LinkedIn.

  6. I will be studying the NAEYC website, but I also was interested in the National Black Child Institute. I just received the National Black Child Institute’s new publication titled “Being Black is not a Risk Factor” and I’m really looking forward to reading it. I will be very interested in hearing more about what you learn have learned about this organization.
