Thursday, March 28, 2013

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

Feeding is one of the most important activities in any Infant/Toddler program. An activity that ideally enhances attachment, increases feelings of security and provides warmth, acceptance and an overall sense of well-being in the infant.
Janet Gonzalez-Mena

The moment I decided to follow instaed of lead, I discovered the joys of becoming part of a small child's world.

Janet Gonzalez-Mena

The development of healthy self-esteem in a child allows her to confront her mistakes without taking apart her positive feelings about herself...

T. Berry Brazelton, M.D

When a child struggles with you over food, you won't win. The more you struggle, the more he'll hate whatever you're trying to shovel into him. T. Berry Brazelton's Advice on Childhood Nutrition.

We as Professionals in Early Childhood Field have an opportunity to shape the child's life for the better. Sandy Escobibo

The preschool years are the first most critical, fundamental period when infants are trying to know who they are....Children are still trying to figure out all of their different identities, and they are trying to figure out how other people are and still being daily bombarded by both negative and positive messages about who they are. Louise Derman-Sparks

Families need support. Parents need Support. With resources and access to resources, parents can thrive. Leticia Lara LCSW

I learn from my kids. It's not all about you, you've got to take your ego out and learn what is best for the child. Renatta Cooper

Friday, March 22, 2013

My recent photo

Personal Childhood Web

I don't think I can ever forget the impact of these individuals in my life:
 My mum
 My mum,dad&brother who taught me spelling and physics
Naturally, most mums are inclined to their children, mine was not exceptional. She is a discplinerian to the core, she belived so much in correcting a child by spanking and then dialogue. As a child, my mum would first discipline me then let me know what I did later. Thanks to civilization that helped in reforming her disciplinay atittude. In the aspect of having a good character and acceptable behaviour, my mum was there for me. I acknowledge her for my good up-bringing. Several times I felt special by my mum's comments about my physique, intelligence and her future wishes for me. My mum has got a strong spirit or drive to do things--This I'm working on achieving.

My dad
He always made me feel special. He understood the impact and methods of discipline more than my mum did. He was always patient with me and allowed me make decisions on my own. He made sure I attended one of the best schools then. My dad's approach to discipline gave me an aura of confidence, he made himself approachable that I would rather discuss issues with him than with anybody else.

My Siblings
My big sis
It was such a great fun growing up in a family of six(one is of a blessed memory now). We shared rooms together,I attended same school with one or two of them, played together and understood each other. Though there was sibling rivalry, we were still in support of each other. My late sis influenced so much my undestanding and interest in Chemistry, my brother on the other hand was my spelling teacher. He taught me some aspect of mathematics. This led to my studying sciences later in seondary school--My siblings influenced my choice of studies then. My baby brother was my companion and play mate. We did everything together, still was always in disagreement. My siblings gave me a sense of togetherness.

Uncle Haruna
Uncle Haruna is a distant uncle though. He was always providing me with my toys--This made me like him then. A lesson here is that a support sysytem must necessarily not be someone close to you. With the toys then, I felt so special whenever I was with my friends cos I always had one of the best toys.

Bisi was a childhood friend who was smater than I was. I always wanted to be like her, and felt I could achieve this by always being close to her. We played together and loved each other. As a child, she made me to want to be the best in all I did. I tried to learn how to be organized from her.
                                               My baby brother

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Favourite Children Quote

A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was; the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, But the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child. Forest E. Witcraft.

This quote fuels my passion daily because when I think of the future then I know I must make an immeasurable impact in the life of a child today.

My little daughter's painting 
She did this in school when they were asked to give supporting hands by making donations to some needy children. The finger prints represent 'helping hands'. So many parts make up a big tree like we know.
I'm choosing this because it reminds me of how much children need to get emotional, psychological and physical support from those around them in order to make a 'big and successful' future 
These are my kids. I chose this picture because I have been using them as my casestudy--As they are  within the age group of 0 and 5yrs. Whatever new stuff I learn about kids, I try it on them.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My first blog

Hi All,
Just still trying out something new here. Hope to improve and build on this knowledge in the nearest future